How You Approach Life and How You Appear To Others
Ferociously proud and somewhat vain, you like to be impressive and to be seen as Somebody Special. You are not timid, meek, or self-effacing, and are rarely content being in the background or in the subordinate position. You are a natural leader, and do not take orders from others very well. You must have something of your own, something creative - be it a business, a project, a home or whatever - that you can develop and manage according to your own will and vision. Whatever you do, you do it in a unique, dramatic, individual way. You like to put your own personal stamp on it.
The Inner You: Your Real Motivation
Serious, disciplined, and quietly ambitious, you are driven to prove yourself and to achieve material accomplishments and success. Your work, your position in the world, and your contributions to society are very important to you. You will persevere through enormous hardship and frustration in order to reach a goal you have set for yourself, and you often sacrifice much in the area of personal relationships and home life in order to do so.
Real You
You are responsible and practical to a fault. Your natural ambition and hard-working attitude brings you success although slowly. You have a strong sense of duty and consider it a matter of personal integrity to pay all of your debts and complete anything that you commit to. You are cautious, dependable and just, as a worker or boss. You know how to conserve and regulate your energy for the long haul. Your outlook can be too serious, even morbid. Spend time learning to be more sociable and work at becoming more effective in your self-expression. To do this will not just make your life more well-rounded and enjoyable, but also more productive in very tangible ways.
Your Essence
You were born under the sign of Capricorn and your ruling planet is Saturn, the planet of patience, wisdom and maturity. You are a very responsible woman, a hard and tenacious worker. You feel strong and independent and are capable of making great efforts and sacrifices in order to reach your goals. Your practical and realistic sense of life allows you to solve many problems, and your serious and profound manner instills a lot of confidence and respect in the people around you. You have an innate capacity to direct and organize people but you prefer a job involving less contact with them. Life is hard for you and full of challenges, however, you have the strength necessary to triumph in every single task you start.
Your style is traditional and conservative; you are not interested in attracting attention nor do you expect great recognition for your efforts. You are the support of your family and the one who assumes the great majority of the responsibilities. You are not interested in maintaining a large social life but with your few friends you have a parental, protective attitude; you offer yourself totally once you trust or love. You are firm in your opinions and objectives and it is difficult for you to change them; your patience and perseverance are admirable.
Your Destiny - A Protector
Whether you know it or not, this is the role that is most in tune with who you are at your core. As a Protector, you have an exceptional gift for guiding and comforting others when no one else is willing or able because you actually feel their pain as if it were your own. If you could insulate those you love from all hardship, you would consider that your greatest accomplishment. You offer caring and thoughtful advice that helps others heal and move in a positive direction, but you don't call attention to yourself, choosing rather to selflessly give to others in order to make the world a better place. This sense of duty and exceptional work ethic will get you far in life, however, it can lead to frustration when you don't get the appreciation you deserve. Remember to take care of yourself because if you feel good others will feel reassured by your steady, prudent, and methodical ways, and the world really will be a better place.
Your Colour
Your color is black. The color of the night. Serene and mysterious, black conjures up images of elegant evening gowns, dashing tuxedos, and gleaming limousines. Traditionally a symbol of success, black also represents power and an uncompromising demand for perfection. Not surprisingly, you tend to set challenging goals for yourself and do whatever it takes to achieve them - your strength of character is second to none. This unfaltering determination, along with your natural elegance, impresses people. But keep in mind that your personality might be intimidating to some. Try to temper your demanding side with a little softness - trust us, it won't kill you. Overall, though, black is the color of professionalism and achievement, which means it's clearly the color for you.
Numerology: Your Soul Number is FOUR
Responsible, conscientious, and rather serious, you expect to work for what you want in life, and you don't appreciate frivolity, laziness, or inconstancy in other people. You have a strong sense of duty and you need to be productive. You are very capable in practical affairs and may have mechanical abilities. A well organized, structured, disciplined lifestyle appeals to you and you prefer security to excitement and surprises. You love tradition and don't question the conventions, rules, and methods you were brought up with. You think in clear, simple, practical terms and are honest and square in your dealings with others. Basically conservative, you may distrust the unfamiliar and anything you feel might threaten your orderly and peaceful existence. You never take risks unless you have laid a firm foundation for success. You may lack imagination and the desire to learn new ways. Also, you do not allow yourself to relax and be carefree often enough. Part of the reason for this is that others depend upon your practical abilities so much that when you do have free time, you may find yourself fixing someone's car, helping a friend with their taxes, or doing some other chore. Try to avoid becoming a workaholic. You deserve to play sometimes too.
Intimacy Essential
When XXX was born, the Sun was in the Sign Capricorn, the Elder. One critical point dominates every other consideration: XXX's basic sanity and vitality depend on a constant diet of visible accomplishments. For this reason, Capricorn is often framed as an "ambitious" sign. Yes and no: psychologically, all Capricorn really refers to is self-discipline and sustained effort. Even though XXX has those qualities in abundance, the key is that she feeds herself through exploring and extending them. And that's something she can do in a conventional profession...or by spending long hours devotedly learning to play the sitar. To that end, XXX's nature is determined, serious, and driven, no matter where she aims it. Restraints on her focus and concentration are anathema to her. For committed love really to work for XXX in the long run, it must support her larger aims rather than detracting from them. No clinging vines need apply, in other words -- although if XXX found herself with one, she'd probably honor the commitment! In real intimacy, XXX's self-containment may let her slip into a kind of emotional invisibility or unavailability, and clearly that must be avoided. Ditto for the perils of simple exhaustion. The good news is that she brings to love the same inestimable virtues she brings to the rest of her life: integrity, devotion, a capacity to endure the threadbare patches, and unerring realism.
Karmic Love
In a prior life love affair you were interested more in yourself and your own experience than you were in your lover. You had a sense of drama and romance and you tended to focus on what impression you might be making on others -- on whether you were impressing them with your good looks and innate sense of charm. You did have plenty of admirers, which only boosted your sense of your own appeal. Your slight self-absorption may have made your lover feel somewhat small and neglected by contrast, even though you had no ill intentions.
In your current life you possess that same innate charm and charisma that win people over in an instant. You have lots of admirers, plenty of people who are attracted to you and seek out your company. You are also a socially graceful person, which is even more attractive than your looks or charm.
If you are in a committed relationship, your love partner might once again, as in your past lives, feel a bit neglected by you. You are a powerful person who possesses incredible charisma; while you have a wonderful grasp of romantic gestures and settings, your lover might be left with the subtle sense that you're more interested in the impression you're making on the world at large than on your lover, specifically.
Sense Test
You have a very strong will, not dependant on others and give an impression of being a lone-ranger. You are extremely curious and sensual, living a clear-headed, modern life. At first glance you place yourself on a pedestal, and are difficult to get along. But once others talk to you, they know you are easygoing. And when the relationship develops, they realize you are affable. You have an androgynous charm, which makes you popular with all genders. But you don't like your weak side to be seen. You might look cool on the surface, but beneath it all, you are really Passionate. Only people who know your true self can maintain a long-lasting relationship with you.
Life Path Reading
As someone born when the Sun was in Capricorn, you lean toward a conservative approach to most matters and you possess a strong sense of duty. You are a hard worker and you will persist with a determined will toward a desired goal. You are capable of tremendous self discipline when necessary. The symbol for this sign is that of the mountain goat. This is most appropriate, as the mountain goat may climb the mountain slowly step by step, but will always eventually reach the top. This is an excellent analogy to describe the essence of the Capricorn principle.
Your cautious nature stems from an innate knowledge that impulsive actions may lead to mistakes that are more time consuming and costly in the long run. Capricorn is the sign of eventual success along with accepting responsibility. Many Capricorns find themselves in life situations whereby they must take responsibility for others in some way.
Destiny’s Reading
Achievement through discipline is one of your keynotes in this lifetime. To fulfill your soul purpose you will need much patience, tenacity, endurance, and most likely a long period of apprenticeship or labor. You are equipped by nature to withstand the periods of self-denial, austerity, grueling study, repetitive practice, or "doing without" that your path in life requires. Serious about your aims and, above all, a realist, you are willing to pay your dues in order to get where you want to go, and whether your goal is spiritual attainment, development of a talent, or material success, you want to go to the top. Some degree of rigorous training or hardship (inner or outer) is apt to be a prerequisite to your eventual achievement, XXX, and unlike apparently "luckier" souls, you have to work hard and pull your own weight early in life. Often, too, you have to wait, to delay gratification, and plan your strategies very carefully and shrewdly in order to gain your desired ends. Through this, you develop a certain toughness and firmness, emotional detachment, inner resourcefulness and self-determination, which keeps you going when the road gets a little rocky on the way to the pinnacle you are aiming for. One pitfall you need to beware of is your tendency to become hardened and cynical, secretly envious of those whose way is less orduous or whose outlook and attitude is more trusting and carefree (irresponsible and immature, to your way of thinking). You seem to be given more "tests", frustration, responsibilities, restrictions than others, and as a result, tend to view the world as an unfriendly place or life as a struggle. It is important for you not to become bitter because of this, or to try to take shortcuts, as these will almost certainly come back to haunt you later. The first half of your life, in particular, may seem heavy or hard, while the fruits of your steady efforts come to you later.
The essence of this lifetime is that you must prove yourself, XXX, and this you know at a deep level, and feel as a sort of inner pressure. (it can be next to impossible to get you to relax and enjoy yourself, to waste time or money or anything frivolous, or to gamble on anything you are not certain will yield real, tangible benefits). Because of your very strong (even if undefined) sense of purpose. Even your recreation is apt to be done in a calculated manner. You weigh the potential risks involved, and usually on the side of safety, for you have a very strong head to know where you are going and to be in control. Thus, the true experience of play tends to elude you, since it requires letting go of control, a certain indifference to results in preference for a free flowing openness to the moment. You do have a rather dry, ironic sense of humor, and it is important for you to keep that side of you alive as it gives you balance and a healthy perspective on things.